Monday 14 November 2011

Full Storyboard and Shot Types

To ensure that we, and each of the cast members within our music video know what they are doing throughout the recording proccess we created a storyboard containing what/who will be featured in each shot along with camera angles, movements and shot types. This is very important as it will allow the recording process to be done as quickly and efficiently as possible, by avoiding any confusion between cast members and where/how the camera should be placed. It will also mean that we will be organised, knowing what props/actors need to be in each place at a particular time. The full storyboard can be seen below. 

For the purpose of the plan, we felt it would be easier to contain each shot that will be featured at the end and beginning of the video as this is where the narrative is. The middle (party scene) will be a variety of short, fast-paced clips similar to that of a montage, therefore we decided to only include a few of the shots that we would definitely like to include in the montage. Other clips will be used, however they will be based on the behaviour of the cast members at particular moments when we position the cameras in the correct position during filming.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Music Video Location Recce

Before filming our music video, we must ensure we have considered every aspect of health and safety by answering the recce questions.
Are there any potential hazards that could pose a potential health and safety risk where your music video will be taking place?
Due to the locations we will be filming in - woodland areas and abandoned places, there are several hazards that could present serious risks. For example, when filming in woods there will be objects such as rocks and branches which could present a trip hazard. Also, in the abandoned place there may be tripping hazards and dangerous items such as sharp objects.

What will you do to ensure these risks are minimised?
To ensure the risks are minimised in the woodland area we will choose a small area, that we will tidy should there be any rocks or broken branches lying around. For the abandoned places that we will film in we will clean the area first to get rid of any potential hazards using the appropriate methods.

Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome of the music video?
Due to part of our music video being filmed outdoors we need to make sure that it is not windy or raining - similar to the conditions of our photoshoot so that we do not damage the equipment and so we get the best conditions possible to allow us to shoot our video. However, we would like to film part of our video at a late part in the day which may not give us enough time to capture all of it in one day meaning we may have to spread the filming over several days.

Have you considered lighting? What about the problems of natural lighting? Will you need to use a flash?
Due to the time of day we will be filming we may need extra lighting for the location and the camera to make sure that everything will be visible enough in the scenes.

Do you need permission to record your music video in the location you have chosen?
As we are filming parts in woodland areas we will not need any permission. However, as we want to film parts in an abandoned area we will need to ensure that the area is in fact abandoned and is not anyones private property.

Are other people likely to be an issue for you?
For certain parts of our video we will be filming in public places so other people could walk past and cause an  issue for us. However, if this is the case we will simply choose another location or ask the people politely to move until we have finished filming.

Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends' equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time?
Our music video will be featuring a large number of people, to make sure that it looks proffesional. This means that we will have to get in contact with as many people as possible in order to arrange a suitable time that everyone is available to make. Our equipment will be property of the college so we will need permission from our lecturer before we can begin to record.