Saturday 4 February 2012

Music Video Chosen Location.

To decide what locations we wished to feature in our music video we looked at locations which would fit in with our genre of music and most importantly be suitable for the theme of the video. As the video would revolve around a party we thought that it would be best to film in a disused or derelict building, with some scenes shot in woodland areas, due to the plot of the video. However, as we may have encountered some problems with permission when filming in a disused building we changed our minds and thought it easier to simply film in a location we could easily gain access to. Such as a room of a group/family member or friend that would enable us to still create the look of a derelict environment. Below is an image of the location we used to film the 'indoor/party' scenes of the video.

The location shown is group member Cally's garage/outhouse building, however. None of the items within the image are used in the video. We felt that this location was ideal as it gave the appearance we wanted due to the bare walls and cement flooring, adding an element of abandonment. Also, due to there being changes in the amount of people featuring in the video this meant it would look less like a big party. However, the size of the room played to our advantage as the relatively large number of people compared to the size of the room meant that it still looked like a busy atmosphere. Below is an image we used to film the opening sequence of the party, which actually depicts the end of the party as the video is shown in reverse.

The location is where we orginally planned to film the scenes of the party, however as we could not gain access to it we decided to film the opening scenes from an angle which would make it look like group members Nikki and Cally were leaving the party - so that it seemed the rest of the video had in fact been filmed in the same place. The image below is the final location that we used in our music video.

The location is a woodland area situated near to where the disused building is located. This meant that we could easily film both scenes at the same time and helps create the illusion that the area is desolate and isolated rather than where they were actually filmed. The location also allowed us to display the time scale of the video, as the sky enables the audience to see that it is the morning after the party when the ending scene of the video can be seen which is at night. Below is the location of the final scenes, showing group member Nikki's house, being persuaded by Cally to go to the 'party'.

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