Saturday 15 October 2011

Inside Sleeve Second Draft

This is the finished second draft of our inside sleeve. Similar to the first drafts of our other products we were very pleased with the first outcomes, however, after recieving feedback from our lecturer and other factors we decided that changes needed to be made to the product. When we first completed the photoshoot for our first draft of the CD cover we did not consider taking the images for the inside sleeve at the same time, which turned out to be beneficial as we were able to use the same backdrop for these photos during the amended photoshoot. Once the images were taken we were then able to edit them to create more consistency with the front cover, particularly by giving them a vintage/dishevelled effect. We were then able to insert the images into the polaroids to complete the layout. However, we did have to make one significant change to the layout as one of our group members left which meant that we would only have three pictures rather than four, so we moved the other items around until we found a layout that we were happy with.

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