Tuesday 4 October 2011

Photoshoot Location Recce

In order to ensure that health and safety has been considered in the planning of taking our photographs we must answer questions.

Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where you are taking your photographs?
Due to the chosen location of our photographs being outdoors there are numerous hazards. For example, as we are are using electrical equipment we must make sure to take the images on a day when it is not raining as this could damage the camera and also pose a risk to our safety. Also, there is a chance of trip hazards around the area so we must be careful when arriving and positioning ourselves.

What will you do to minimise the risks?
As explained above we will be taking the photographs on a day when it is fairly sunny to ensure no equipment damage and also to get the best natural lighting possible. To minimise the risk of members of our groups encountering any trip hazards we must tidy around the area, carefully removing any risks we may find using the appropriate methods. Also, we must remove our own props afterwards to make sure the are no further risks to ourselves or others.

Will the weather/time of day affect the outcome of your photographs?
The time of day will affect the outcomes as if we take it too late we will not get the best natural lighting possible and could make the images too dark or members of the group not visible enough so we will need to take the photographs either in the morning or early afternoon. The weather could also affect the outcome as if it were to rain it may interfere with the clarity of the image and could affect the costumes of the group so we will need to take the images on a dry, fairly sunny day.

Have you considered the background of your photos, particularly if taken outside? How will you ensure you get the background you want?
The background we have chosen to use is a fence which is in the closed area around my own garden. So it was easy to ensure we got the background we wanted.

Have you considered lighting? What about the problems of natural lighting? Will you need to use a flash?
As we would like the image to be bright, and the sky behind our backdrop to be fairly clear and bright itself it could pose a difficulty in trying to find the right position to ensure that the light is not reflected on the camera. So we will be using a flash suited to the condition of sunny weather available on the camera that we will be using.

Do you need permission to take your photographs in the location you have chosen?
Because we have chosen to take the photographs in the location surrounding my own garden we do not need any permission. This also gave us more freedom as to when we could take the photographs.

Are you reliant on lifts/props/models/friends' equipment/ models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time?
As we have chosen my own garden as a location, therefore it is available at all times. We simply need to choose a suitable time for each of our group members to be available. We are also using a member of our groups camera and eqiupment, so we did not have any constraints on having to give the equipment back and it is easier for the group to use.

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