Monday 10 October 2011

CD Cover Inside Sleeve First Draft

This is the first draft for the inside sleeve of our Album Digipak, which all of our members are pleased with. We are most pleased with the overall look of it, feeling that it looks professional and realistic. This is partly due to the fact that we have tried to remain consistent with the themes so that it fits in with the rest of our digipak. For example, we have decided to place cigarettes on the inside sleeve to directly relate to the back cover as they are what the track names are written on. One of the issues we faced when creating the inside sleeve was whether it would look realistic, as the flat plan we created did not seem to create that and therefore it would not fit in with the rest of our digipak as realism was an important factor. However, when we came to create it this was not the case, the layout in particular helps to convey realism as we wanted to to look messy and unorganised like something a teenager could relate to. I also feel that we used the inspirations from our research effectively, rather than our products simply looking like they were copies, the combination of our own ideas and research has made them unique.

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