Sunday 9 October 2011

CD Digipack Front Cover First Draft & Magazine Advertisement Second Draft Feedback

After producing several drafts of our magazine advertisements and CD Cover our lecturer gave us feedback so we could improve them further. Although our products recieved a B grade overall with the neccessary changes we could make it would be possible for us to make our grade higher to an A.

The feedback we recieved for our magazine advertisement was positive. Our lecturer said that it displayed several media conventions in an interesting way whilst showing a good understanding of the target auidience we had chosen. She also said that it it was engergetic, youthful and quirky. However, improvements were suggested. She recommended we should include more endorsements to make it look more professional, add an album review and include an image on the ipod screen.

For our CD Cover our lecturer said that we had showed a good understanding of the target audience through the use of body language, attitude and staging of the models. She also commented on the good choice of font as it complimented the image well. However, like our magazine advertisement, improvements were suggested. She commented that although the font was good it needed to 'lift off the page' more which could be achieved by adding an effect such as a shadow. Also, she felt that more props could be used to make the image tie in more with the name of the band. So we could add more alcohol bottles and change the background of the image by adding graffiti to make it more shocking.

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