Wednesday 28 September 2011

CD Cover Flat Plan.

Colour Usage - Within the front cover image, we will be using many bright colours, particularly with regards to the band members clothing and props. We feel that this will help relate to the party theme throughout our product and help to effectively create a wild/chaotic feeling to the image. Also, as we will be using bright colours within the rest of the digipak and magazine advertisement we feel that it will allow the products to be consistent and professional. For the background image, we will be using faded/vintage colours in order to provide a contrast between the bright colours of the band members which will make them stand out more. Creating a bigger emphasis on the party atmosphere.

Image Usage - The main image of the CD Cover will consist of the band members standing against a fence, surrounded by props. The camera angle and distance will be eye-line/long shot in order to maintain the bands main focus on the cover whilst also allowing for the text to remain unimposing on the main image. The plain background is also vital as it helps the brightly coloured props contrast with it. These props will be items related to the party theme of our music video and will be things such as party poppers, a bottle of champagne and balloons. The costumes worn by the band members will also be influenced by the chosen music genre and theme of our video, so they will be fashionable and up to date therefore remaing consistent with the theme. After everything has been placed onto the cover i.e images and text a vintage effect will be added to give it a worn-out look to tie in with the party theme. We chose an ordinary backdrop as opposed to a studio backdrop as it will help add to the realism of the image and keep in with the theme of a party - appearing to be a fairly candid shot which will help our target audience to relate to the image, which is important as it may ultimately influence them to purchase the CD. The choice of props such as alcohol/cigarettes and those previously mentioned will also help the target audience to relate to the product and will be things featured in their every day lives which will in turn increase the use and gratification of personal identity due to the connection they may create through the items featured. After the props/text/image have been appropriately placed we will then add a vintage effect using Adobe Photoshop in order to create a dishevelled look to the image and adding an element of destruction - further emphasising the theme of our products.

Text/Font usage - The main text will be the band name Does It Offend You, Yeah? in Nova Solid and the colour used will be white. Text will be split into two parts, one at the bottom and one at the top to keep the band the main focus of the cover which is why the colour white has been used as it is simple and will not draw too much attention but enough so that the text will still stand out against the background and the bright props featured in the image. We chose the font style as it able to be understood easily and would be eye-catching whilst not detracting from the main focus of the image. 

Layout - The image will be the predominant aspect of the front cover, due to it being an appropriate way to convey the theme of the rest of our products and the controversial aspect of it. Therefore, we decided to display the text at the top and bottom of the front cover to achieve this effect as mentioned in text usage above. 

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