Tuesday 20 September 2011

Chosen Genre and Conventions

The genre of music that my group has chosen for our music video is grime/electronic/indie rock, which has become extremely popular in recent years with the target audience of teenagers and young adults because of the lifestyle and culture associated with it. The conventions of music videos from the genre normally revolve around partying and drinking, some examples can be seen from my inspirational texts but another example would be LMFAO's Champagne Showers video, which is aimed at a similar auidence and has similar themes to the one that we have in mind.

Album artwork from our chosen genre

We decided to collect album artwork from different artists associate with our chosen genre in order to see the different conventions that are present throughout the genre. One of the most common conventions was the use of font and artist name as one of the most prominent features of the artwork. The majority of artist names are large and graphic in style, making them stand out against the image or other features of the artwork. They are also brightly coloured in order to attract the readers gaze, one example would be the Does It Offend You, Yeah? Album cover. These conevntions would appeal to our target audience of 16-25 year olds as the bright colours are more likely to attract their attention. Also, another convention seen in several images is the theme of partying/misbehavior. Particulary in the LMFAO covers. These themes would also appeal to our target audience as they are things that young people are generally stereotyped to be associated with.

Magazine Advertisements from our chosen music genre

Similar to the conventions that were present within the album artwork we found that the font played an important part in the magazine advertisements. They are original and artistic, particularly in The Killers advertisement. Bright, eye-catching colours are also used which would again attract our target audience.

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