Friday 9 September 2011

Reflection on AS Work.

Looking back on the work I produced for my AS media studies, I am quite happy with my finished product. However, I do feel that there were some areas in which I could have improved. The areas that I could have improved most would have been digital technology and creativity.
Research and Planning
Even though the finished product for my coursework (magazine) received positive feedback and got a good grade in the end I could have put a lot more work into my research and planning.. When I look at the amount of research I did I think I could have done a lot more. For example, when researching similar texts I only researched one magazine that was similar to my own in minimal detail. If I had researched an extra magazine or went into extra detail on the one I had chosen my magazine may have had a better appearance or more interesting range of content. Although I was happy with the final finished look I produced, as I felt it looked professional.

I feel that the deconstructions I did as part of my research were done thoroughly in most parts, so I am satisfied with that part of my work. Although there were some sections that could I have contained a little more detail I don’t think that would have made any difference to my work.

The planning of my work could have been done a lot better. In the production of my magazine I did not set deadlines for different parts of it to be finished by, so the whole production process was dragged on a lot longer than was necessary. If I had set particular deadlines for each section of my coursework I could have produced it in a lot less time and it may have being a better finished product. When doing the planning for my A2 coursework I am going to try along with my group to set deadlines for certain aspects to be finished by a set date.

When looking back at my finished product I feel that the appearance and content of my magazine coursework I think it looks professional and the content was interesting and relevant. However, I think that I could have been more creative when designing it. I took a lot of my inspiration from similar texts so the layout of my contents page and double page spread were fairly conventional and my front cover was similar to many magazines already in production. If I was my creative, particularly with my double page spread and contents page I think my grade may have improved as they did look quite simplistic. My double page spread layout could have been made more interesting by adding more images, tag lines or rearranging the text in a more unconventional way rather than the traditional three column layout I used.

In conclusion, when reflecting back on my AS coursework I am satisfied with the work I produced. Although there are certain areas of my work I could have produced; Research and Planning and Creativity I am still happy with my finished product and the grade I received.

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