Sunday 25 September 2011

Music Video Initial Ideas and Synopsis.

As myself and members of the group I am working in have extensively researched and planned all aspects of our project we felt that we had gathered sufficient information to come up with an initial plot for our music video.

The plot/synopsis will focus around a group of teenagers partying in an abandoned/desolate location. However, the storyline will be in reverse. Therefore the beginning of the video will display the aftermath of a party and go through to before the party actually took place. The reason we decided to have the scenes in reverse, asides from being unconventional - was to provoke curiosity from the audience so that they would continue to watch the video after the opening sequence. In order to keep the video looking professional we will using a variety of shot types/angles and camera movements such as motion blur, zoom and fixing the camera to various actors in order to add realism to the video and emphasise the chaotic atmosphere.

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