Wednesday 21 September 2011

Target Audience

The target auidence of my group's music video is teenagers and young adults, probably no older that 24 being both male and female. They would be in college or university, with relatively low income due to the college/uni lifestyle and be of a mainly working class background. Their most of the people in our target auidence would still live at home with their parents or in student accomodation so their income would be spent on items such as music, magazines and alcohol. Also, most of thier free time would be spent studying or going out with their friends. We chose this target auidence partly because of the type of music genre we have chosen - grime/electronic/indie rock which has become extremely popular with the target age range in recent years. The theme of the video being a party is also something they can find interesting and can possibly relate to as the characters will all have a similar style and age to the characters in the video. The uses and gratifications of our products would be personal identity and diversion as many teenagers can relate to the lifestyle and ideologies potrayed in our video - going drinking, partying etc. This would serve as the personal identity. However, some of our target auidence may not have such a lifestyle and would therfore use the text as a diversion from their normal lifestyle.

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