Friday 30 September 2011

Magazine Advertisement Flat Plan

Colour Usage - In the magazine advertisement a variety of colours will be used, most of these will be bright in order to catch the readers eye as they are flicking through a magazine. The colour of the text will be white as opposed to the bright background and colours used elsewhere in order for it to stand out.

Image Usuage - The main background image will be paint splatters, which will keep in with the party theme whilst the centre image will be the album cover we will design. Also, the other items used such as playing cards and an iPod to display the information on the advertisement such as downloading info and ratings. By using these items it helps incorporate the them into each of our products making it consistent throughout the entire project.

Text Usage - The text on the magazine advertisement will be useful to the reader such as album rating and where the album is available to download. This is vital as it informs the reader exactly what they need to know without providing them with too much information which may cause them to simple ignore the advertisement as it is too 'clogged up' with useless information. The album rating could also push the reader into considering buying the album as it gives the impression it would be worth the money and the iTunes download would appeal to our target audience as it is the main way teenagers and young adults purchase music in the present. The main text will be in the font Nova Solid, the same font used on the album cover, adding further consistency.

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