Friday 23 September 2011

Photoshoot Ideas

In order to make the print aspects of our A2 Media Coursework more professional we thought that it would be best to place photographs of the band members on the front cover and inside sleeve as this was a common convention we found in the majority of albums we researched in our chosen genre. Also, to tie in the theme of partying/reckless behaviour that will be present in our music video they will be pictured participating in drinking alcohol/smoking.

We decided that for our album front cover we would follow a common convention and use a photograph simply of the band members together as a group to enable our target audience to easily identify the band members both as a group and individually - particularly in our music video. Below are images we collected as inspiration, we decided to continue with the theme of partying we looked at images which contained similar props that we could use such as ballons/alcohol bottles/streamers.

Below are images that we collected as inspiration for our inside sleeve, as we decided to remain consistent with the theme of our music video we researched images of young people smoking/drinking. Also to give the inside a more personal theme and to help the audience identify with each member we decided to have an individual photograph of each member.

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